Diamonds And Stars

2021.  This album contains a mixture of stories, some real, some fiction, all true to somebody somewhere maybe...

It began as an acoustic project, but evolved into something more in many of the songs, although piano, trumpet and (often semi-acoustic) bass preside.

Thanks to Tom Cantwell (guitar and additional vocals), to Linda Campbell (additional vocals), Allan J Crookes (remixes) and to Jon Astley at Close to The Edge Mastering.

Much thanks to Tom and Linda for their excellent advice throughout the making of this album.

020/2021 has been challenging for everyone, but there have been some positives, with many people embracing creative explorations. This began as a lockdown project.

Here's to hoping to a happy, peaceful and safe future for all of us!

Four Dusty Shoes - a story about dancing together again after many years; slightly ballad, slightly Latin. BVs from Linda.

This Long Happy Life - celebration of life - a funeral song, intended to be life-affirming and optimistic. Inspired by the words of my late aunt and the reported last words of John Le Mesurier. Featuring Tom and Linda.

Baby Shoes - started from a six-word short story sometimes attributed to Ernest Hemingway "For sale, baby shoes, never worn", delivered at a gentle tempo. BVs from Linda.

Only Ever You - folk influenced duet with Tom, a story about secret love set on a seaside hill.

Tiny Opals - this song is about losing a mother - being with her in her last few days, watching her slip away, then later remembering how it felt to have her here, how real her presence still is.

One Day - 70s songwriter-style wistful wishes for life to begin again after confinement.

Diamonds And Stars - a story about never leaving people behind even when moving on; a ballad, trumpet and choir feature.

Fifth Sense - laid back pop and jazz influenced sections, inspired by pandemic lockdown making many feel more part of nature. BVs from Tom and Linda.

Anxiety - upbeat funk-based song about the decisions needed to become healthy. BVs from Linda.

Child - a modern tale of the sad victims of drugs, sang as a duet with Tom.

She's Everything - a slow ambient ballad about the unexpected events that life can throw at you, that changes everthing in an instant.

All We Are - a reflection on our place in the world, and how we are always here for someone somehow, even afterwards.

All tracks are available for streaming on the usual sites. The audio glass mastered CD is available by contacting directly. Please use the contact form to enquire about high quality wavs or mp3s.

Four Dusty Shoes

This Long Happy Life

Baby Shoes

Only Ever You

Tiny Opals

One Day

Diamonds And Stars

Fifth Sense



She's Everything

All We Are